*Zambia and Zimbabwe journeys led by Wildlife Photographer

Specialized wildlife photographer and qualified safari guide offers guided journeys in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Living in the Zambian bush, he intricately knows its inhabitants, the seasonal wonders and local community. You will be immersed in authentic wildlife experiences in truly wild places and assisted with his photographic guidance and tuition.

Safaris, including camps to stay at, are fitted around photographers wishes and desires in regards to budget as well as desired sighting.

Price: Depends on participants, length of safari and camps chosen. Inquire about availability for 1-2 persons to be joined with other photographers on existing journeys.

As an example for 4 guests: – 9 days in the Luangwa Valley during Emerald Green Season approximately US$5,800 per person. 8 Days Mana Pools in High Season for US$9,450.- per person.

“I saw this large herd of buffalo approaching the water from the other side of the river. It was fairly chaotic, as buffalo herds always appear to be, but a pattern started to emerge over time. Individuals would enter from the left, drink and then move out to the right. It made for a lovely scene but not a great photo. I waited, taking a couple of test shots to check my camera’s settings because I was shooting into the light and I knew the exposure would be tricky. After some time, 3 buffalo separated themselves from the herd and came to drink in a perfect pattern. I knew that was the moment and took a single shot. The dust that they kicked up and the inclusion of a crocodile lurking in the water just completed the scene for me. Canon EOS 1D Mk IV, 500mm f4 L IS lens, f8, 1/2000sec at ISO 800. Post processing: contrast enhancement to compensate for shooting into the light, added some colour saturation, cropped (I envisaged the shot as a letterbox shape so framed close to the top of the viewfinder, knowing that I’d cut off most of the beach below, and excluding the sky which would have confused the exposure). Resized and sharpened.”