Suggested Itinerary for 8 Day Botswana/South Africa Riding Safari

Suggested Itinerary


Day One: Guests will be met at Johannesburg International Airport and transferred to Camp Davidson in time for lunch. That afternoon you will be introduced to your safari horse. We will ensure that you are matched with a horse to suit your ability and experience before heading off on your ride . On route through the Matlapeng reserve, the ride will take a sundowner break at the Red Lake, where you are likely to encounter our pod of resident hippo, before climbing the ridge back to Camp Davidson.




Day Two: A day of exploration in the reserve,  tracking herds of giraffe, zebra, eland, wildebeest, kudu and impala. The terrain lends itself to straying off the trails as your horse leads you along game trails and narrow kloofs. A saddlebag lunch is served at the riverside along a long abandoned wagon route used by the pioneers to congregate for church each Sunday. Riders can rest in the shade of the riverine forest during the heat of the day or take a dip in the clear flowing streams whilst the horses graze, before gradual meandering back through the plains in the fading afternoon light


Day Three: A full days  ride west of camp takes you around Bellevue on the southern end of the property and on to the historic Baber homestead for lunch by the poolside. That afternoon riders visit the local Sotho village and have a tour of some of the traditional houses with the local characters Martha Mosima  and the group of village lady elders for afternoon tea accompanied by traditional singing and dancing.  After a day  of long riding, culture and history you will return to the tranquility of the Camp Davidson where dinner  is  served  under  the  stars.

Day Four: An early departure from camp for a game drive by specialized safari vehicle to  a  nearby Big Five private  game reserve with a chance to see rhino, lion, elephant, buffalo and leopard. On the way back we will visit a craft workshop which has a community upliftment project since 1998. The crafters specialize in beautiful handmade beadwork and leather products including riding chaps. Lunch will be served by the pool at the safari lodge, before heading back to your camp for a sundowner  ride  in  the  game reserve.



Day Five: We break camp early and riders mount for a last ride through the reserve, soaking up the early morning sights and sounds of the African bush to the lodge. Guests will depart  from the lodge at 7.30 and are transferred to  Botswana. Cross the Limpopo river and  into an area called the Tuli block before arriving at the stables. An introductory afternoon ride will familiarize riders with their horses for this leg of the safari, arriving at the Two Mashatus camp in time to freshen up before supper. The vast Mashatu Game Reserve in the Tuli Block of south eastern Botswana is an area of great diversity, magnificent vistas, ancient civilizations and dramatic rock formations bordered by the great Limpopo River in the south. Aptly named the “Land of the  Giants”  for  its baobab studded plains and large herds of elephant, the  land remains largely untouched by man and is home to a wide variety of wildlife species including lion, cheetah, leopard, African wild dog,  a  multitude of plains game like zebra, wildebeest and giraffe, as well as over 350 species of birds.



Day Six: An early wake-up call with tea/ coffee brought to your tent, followed by breakfast around the campfire. We make an early start each day to enjoy the freshness of the morning and to maximize game-viewing opportunities in the hours that the wildlife is  most active. Undoubtedly we will come across the large herds of elephant for which the Tuli  is renowned, as well  as many different species of antelope; also giraffe, zebra, bat-eared fox, jackal, hyena and possibly even lion, leopard, wild dog and cheetah. Later ride along the Limpopo River, enjoying the rich birdlife, spotting crocodile in the pools and learning about the magnificent trees lining the banks. Alternatively, you have the option of doing a game drive, game walk or visiting the local village Mothabaneng to see the local ladies make baskets as well as have a look at some bushman paintings.


Day Seven: Ride out following the movements of wildlife in the area and observing and interpreting the world around us. The tempo of the rides is always varied and depending on the terrain, there are opportunities to enjoy the spirit and fitness of the horses at a faster pace.


Day Eight: After a last morning ride back to  the  stables there  is  time  for  a quick shower and brunch at the reception area  before  heading  back  to Johannesburg International via the border crossing.


Please be aware that due to changes in weather and other unforeseen events the itinerary may be changed at  the last minute. We will endeavour to keep everyone informed of any changes and the reason for them. Wearing a helmet is mandatory. This trip is for experienced riders only and a test will be administered.