Suggested Itinerary for 8 Days Safari on Horseback in Botswana’s Mashatu Game Reserve

Sample Itinerary

Day 1.  Meet your driver at 8 a.m. for your road transfer to the Botswana border for 5.5 to 6 hours. Upon arrival at the border, you will be met by your guide, David or West, and transferred to our reception area by the Stables. After a light lunch it’s time to head off to the stables to meet your horse for the week. You will embark on a short introductory ride to make sure that you and your horse are well suited(If time permits we will ride directly to Two Mashatus Camp otherwise back to the stables again).  A refreshing drink at the stables, then you will head back to camp for a warm shower and a delicious dinner served in the Llala palm dining room of the Two Mashatus Camp.


Day 2.  The day begins at sunrise with tea/coffee brought to your tent, followed by a light breakfast.  Mount up and head off in a northwesterly direction for Jwala Camp on the banks of the Jwala River.  Six to seven hours are spent in the saddle enjoying the abundance of game and the magnificent scenery synonymous with the Land of the Giants.  After arriving at Jwala Camp, lunch is the order of the day followed by a guided afternoon walk, examining the bush around you in detail.  Dinner is prepared over an open fire by Martha or Grace – our truly brilliant chefs whose “bush cuisine” is renowned far and wide.  Retire to your spacious tent where you will experience the “music” of the African bush as it gently serenades you to sleep.

Fly camp Jwala

Day 3.  An early wake up call heralds a new day and tea/coffee and a delicious light breakfast is served around the log fire.  Test the amazingly sure-footed Boerperde as we cross over basalt ridges following age-old elephant trails and enjoy long sustained canters to make up for the lost time traversing the ridges.  This ride will be about six to seven hours, arriving at Kgotla Camp for a late lunch.  This is an old tribal court from a nearby community that was relocated to the banks of the Motloutse River on the western periphery of Mashatu.  The open-air traditional African enclosure is made of leadwood logs in the shade of a century old Mashatu tree.  In the afternoon we have the option of visiting the local village to buy hand-crafted Llala palm curios, viewing Bushmen paintings and then enjoying a sundowner looking out over the Motloutse River. Back at the Kgotla, dinner is enjoyed around a large log fire after which the night is spent sleeping under the stars while listening in on the cacophony of sounds generated by the African bush orchestra.


Day 4.  We spend another night at Kgotla Camp, enjoying a full day exploring the sandstone formations including the famed Solomon’s Wall.  Ancient civilizations harbored their wealth among these hills where two mighty rivers, the Limpopo and the Motloutse, meet.  This days riding will be about four to five hours, leaving time in the afternoon to head to the archaeologically rich Mmamagwa hills where a 360 degree view of the reserve can be enjoyed as well as another beautiful African sunset.

Day 5.  Another early rise and a good breakfast around the log fire will set the morning off to a good start. Today you wind your way through the mopane bush before reaching the more open plains.  This will probably be your longest day of riding of about seven hours.  On arrival at Limpopo Camp you will be welcomed by a well-deserved drink and a refreshing lunch on the banks of the Limpopo river.   Tonight is your opportunity to explore Mashatu from a game drive vehicle and try to locate the elusive leopard, wild dog, cheetah and lion the area is well known for.

Day 6.  This morning will begin a little slower as this day will be spent exploring the banks of the Mojale and Matabole Rivers, following their courses north towards the Zeederberg site before returning to Two Mashatus Camp.  The day will offer riding up and down river banks, through riverine forest, game sightings and more fabulous photo opportunities.  Today’s riding will be about five to six hours.  Todays break is under the bows of an old Mashatu tree, where a century ago the Zeederberg transport riders had their midday break before finally reaching Fort Tuli.  Spend the afternoon at leisure before you embark on a guided walk into the bush.  The evening is enjoyed with sundowners around a log fire and a delicious meal to end another exhilarating and rewarding day.

Day 7.  Today’s ride is rich in history and offers a variety of interesting tales of the past.   The open Pitsani plains, so characteristic of this area, are perfect for a faster ride, hopefully with zebra or wildebeest!  You head in the direction of the Majale and Limpopo confluence where lunch awaits you upon return to the Two Mashatus camp.  This ride is about five to six hours.  Dinner is in the Llala palm rondavel.  A dreamless sleep no doubt awaits you as the final day draws to a close.

Day 8.  Today is your last day in the bush and begins with your final early morning tea/coffee and breakfast snack over the open fire.  The morning is spent riding along the Limpopo River.  We head back to the stables where fond farewells are made to your steed. This is a shorter ride of about two hours, allowing you to get back to Two Mashatus with enough time to enjoy a hearty brunch and to get ready for departure. Then it’s off to the border in time for your return transfer to Johannesburg.